Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Week 3: Clear

Another lecture dealt with the topic of system software vs. application software. Whereas system software is the collection of programs that are needed for a smooth functioning of a computer and its devices, application softwares are designed to accomplish a specific task. Consider e.g. you want to set up a word file with Microsoft Word. As you only want to perform a specific task (setting up a file) Microsoft Word can be considered as an application software. In contrast to that, Windows XP is a collection of different programs which act as a basis for certain application softwares and can thus be seen as a system software.

I the business environment a bunch of application softwares are used to perform particular tasks. Depending on your business you use different softwares to perform different tasks. These application software are all based on a system software, which in turn is based on specific hardware. If you want to find out more about application and system software you should check out wikipedia, which describes the respective features and characteristics very clearly.

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